Projekto „Vaikų dienos centrų veiklos plėtra Švenčionių rajono savivaldybėje“ įgyvendinimo metu numatyta plėsti vaikų dienos centrų veiklą, siekiama prisidėti prie rizikos grupės vaikų gerovės didinimo įgyvendinant efektyvias ir kvalifikuotas priemones Švenčionių r. savivaldybėje.
The Closing Event of Project “Development of Children Day Care Centres’ Activities in Švenčionys District Municipality” was held at Kaltanėnai Education and Tourism Centre (hereinafter referred to …
One and a half years passed quickly from the day the project “Children’s day centers activity development in Švenčionys district municipality” was launched, and already on 21-25 …
In order to ensure successful implementation of the Project, Švenčionys District Kaltanėnai Education and Tourism Centre submitted Application “Regarding Specification of Extension of the Period for Implementation …
Implementation of project activities was intensively carried out throughout the last summer. Visitors of both Adutiškis and Švenčionėliai children day care centres were able to not only …
While the project “Development of Children Day Care Centres in Švenčionys Region Municipality” is successfully continued to be implemented, from April to June, both Adutiškis and Švenčionėliai …
In order to ensure the successful operation of the project “Development of child day-care centre activities in Švenčionys district municipality”, a project implementation group was gathered at …
The project “Development of Child Day Care Centres’ Activities in Švenčionys District Municipality” being in current implementation, project code No. EEE-LT05-SADM-01-K-01-005, is financed from the funds of …