Implementation of Project ,,Development of Children Day Care Centres’ Activities in Švenčionys District Municipality” will be continued until the end of 2016
In order to ensure successful implementation of the Project, Švenčionys District Kaltanėnai Education and Tourism Centre submitted Application “Regarding Specification of Extension of the Period for Implementation of the Project Activities” to the Central Project Management Agency (the CPMA) in November 2015, because adjustments of the technical project still have not been approved due to the formed adverse circumstances. Taking into account the received Application filed by the Project Implementer, the CPMA applied to the Ministry of Social Security and Labour (the Programme Operator); upon assessment of the formed situation, the latter suggested extending the implementation period for Project “Development of Children Day Care Centres’ Activities in Švenčionys District Municipality” until 31 December 2016, therefore the CPMA and Švenčionys District Kaltanėnai Education and Tourism Centre signed an amendment of this Project Agreement in December 2015.
Despite of some of the recurring difficulties, organization of occupation of the visitors of Children Day Care Centres both in Adutiškis, and Švenčionėliai proceeds rather smoothly: visitors of both Children Day Care Centres (CDCCs) took an active part in various events and sessions organized by the Children Day Care Centres in autumn in 2015; moreover, on 20-22 November this year representatives of both Centres participated in the activities of health and physical activity promotion camp “Sveikatos gurkšnis” [gulp of health] which is a part of children and youth socialization project implemented by Švenčionys District Kaltanėnai Education and Tourism Centre. During this event they met other participants in the Project: visitors of Didžiasalis Centre of Children’s Care and Social Support for Family, Žagarė Social Services Centre, Children Day Care Centre “Spindulėlis” of Public Organization “Pociūnėliai Township Community”, and Utena District Sudeikiai School – Multifunction Centre. While camping visitors of Adutiškis and Švenčionėliai Children Day Care Centres not only socialized with children from other day care centres, presented them Adutiškis and Švenčionėliai Children Day Care Centres but they also visited “Triušiukų slėnis” [rabbit valley] where they were made familiar with lots of rabbit and bird breeds as well as other animals, they also participated in an educational šakotis baking programme at UAB “Romnesa” and other interesting activities of the camp.
Meanwhile as December was counting down the last days of year 2015, visitors of Adutiškis and Švenčionėliai Children Day Care Centres gathered again at Švenčionys District Kaltanėnai Education and Tourism Centre where Public Institution “Geras vėjas” organized them an Advent Camp “Švenčių laukimas…” [waiting for festivals] within the period of 19-23 December. During the very first day of this event S. Mudinienė, Culturologist of the Directorate of Aukštaitija National Park and Labanoras Regional Park, and her colleague came to introduce the campers to Advent traditions and customs in the Eastern Aukštaitija and taught the children of round dances, games, and spells typical to this time of the year. Later on the visitors of the children day care centres participated in various other purposeful activities of the Camp: they made decorations of straw, paper, and yarn for the Christmas tree, they designed festive cards and wrote greetings to their relatives and friends, made wax candles using moulds, and made festive decorations of hay. They baked Christmas gingerbread and carefully decorated it with colourful frosting, they made Advent wreaths of natural materials and decorated a Christmas tree with their crafts. Moreover, embellished the wall next to it with garlands of white paper lanterns. All these created festive elements radiated children’s desire to share the spirit of the upcoming festivals with the surrounding people…
During Camp “Švenčių laukimas…” children not only were responsibly preparing for the festivals but they also paid deeper interest in nature: having heard a lecture given by the experts of the Nature Department of the Directorate of Aukštaitija National Park and Labanoras Regional Park about the variety of animals in these protected areas and their life in winter, they set out for a tour on foot along with the River Žeimena, flowing through Kaltanėnai Township, so that they could become more familiar with the surrounding environment with the help of naturalists.
On the last day of camping the children got acquainted with the traditional meals served on Christmas Eve in the Eastern Aukštaitija and participated in the educational kūčiukai baking programme. As the five-day event ended, children took away with them not only everything they made with their own hands but also a joyful mood of the biggest festivals of the year and promised to share it with the people waiting for them at home…
For more information about the Project, call (8 387) 44368 or e-mail us at .